Our first run was Jumping - Pepper started off really well, she was flying, but half way round I pulled her off a jump she was supposed to take so we got 5 faults! I was so worried about her taking the wrong course that I got the course wrong!
Second was the first Agility - she was very excited and leapt off every contact - oops!
The second Agility wasn't much better, but she did do a lovely 12 weaves! I really must work harder on her contacts and stop letting her get away with leaping off the end!
Final run was the Steeplechase - the course wasn't very nice and I wasn't really looking forward to running it. Once again Pepper set off at a great speed but got so far ahead of me that towards the end she looked back for me and back jumped! Oh, well! A good reminder that we can't win rosettes every time we go to a show and some clear pointers of things to work on!