As usual, it was very friendly and although there were clearly some experienced handlers there, there were also plenty who were more like me and Pepper!
When I left home it was pouring with rain, with the added attraction of thunder and lightning - I nearly didn't go - but by the time I got to Leatherhead it had stopped and for the majority of the day it was quite warm. There were even times when it was raining on one side of the school and not the other - thankfully our side was dry!
We started with Agility I - I was already stressing about remembering the course, and it was quite tricky but after walking it several times I was confident that I had it. When we came to run it Pepper was hyper excited and jumped off every contact! I completely forgot the course as she was being so naughty! I really can't remember much detail about it other than I was glad when it was over!
Next was Agility II - tricky course again, but quite flowing. We set off and she again jumped off the A-frame! I ran her back over it and she jumped off again! I tried to get her onto the bottom in a '2 on 2 off' position but she just barked at me and kept jumping up and down on the spot! I managed to get her into position and tried to carry on, but on the dog walk she did exactly the same thing! I decided to calmly leave the ring! I really don't know what has got into her - she's so excitable!
We carried on to do the Jumping and Steeplechase but picked up faults in both - in the Jumping she ran round the back of a tunnel instead of through it! The judge was stood behind it so I'm not sure if she wanted to go and say hello or just got confused.
So another day to put down to experience! We have a lot of work to do before we can confidently tackle courses like that and more than anything it has highlighted the need to crack the contacts! The other thing we need to do is get more drive through the weaves and be more confident with 12 weaves.