The first run of the day was a Combined G3-5 Jumping - I walked the course and didn't really like what I found! Lots of long gaps between obstacles and a wall - I was going to have run this with both Ruby and Pepper and I don't think Ruby had ever seen a wall!
When it came to running the course it was much more fun than I had thought! I had to run Pepper first and we were clear, albeit with some loopy turns due to rubbish handling and the fact that the ground was still quite wet and slippy! Then it was Ruby's turn - it wasn't really a Ruby course but I wanted to make sure she had fun. We set off around the course and she was doing really well, but unfortunately picked up 5 faults for missing a tunnel entry. Next was the dreaded weave entry, but she got it first time and completed all 12 weaves without fault, and then finished the course! I was so pleased with her but so gutted about the 5 faults!
Here is the video of Ruby doing this course:
So, we have 2 more KC shows to go before the end of the season - fingers crossed for a few clear rounds and a win into Grade 5. And if I'm not being too greedy, I'd really like Ruby to get a clear in one of her remaining Jumping runs - she's doing so well and it would be great to see her get her first KC rosette!