The traffic was awful, and I'd embarrassed myself falling over in the M&S foodhall on the A303 on my way home from a meeting, so I was feeling battered and bruised and wondering if I should have even bothered. But a chilled evening drinking wine and putting the world to rights with my friend Marianne soon had me sorted.
On Saturday, I had a Graded 4 - 7 agility to run with Pepper first thing, which was good as she has started to self-release from her contacts so it would give me a training opportunity before the Champ Agility. The course wasn't that nice - if I'd been G4 I would have probably cried if I'd been faced with that, but I like a challenge. I decided to run the course to try things that I'm not confident with - the start was jump, pull in, jump, tunnel. She did the pull in, and I was so delighted, I stood watching her and forgot to ketschker the jump, and she nipped in the wrong side of me to take the dog walk instead of the tunnel! E before the 3rd obstable - ooops! Still, I could then make sure we did the training criteria I had set, and she did her contacts really well.
Next was Champ Agility - here's the course plan:
When it came to the Jumping I decided that I just had to go for it. The course was tricky, with lots of traps - here's the course plan:
We'd finished all of our runs (more news on this later) and were ready to go home when they announced the finalists, and I couldn't believe it when I heard my name called out first! How did that happen!
So we had somehow achieved one of my agility goals - to take part in a Champ Final. It was more daunting than I had anticipated! The course walked well, and I was looking forward to running it. Here's the course plan:
So, we finished with 10F - the theme of the day! There were only 2 clear rounds, so we were in good company and were placed 7th overall. Here's a video of of our run:
Both dogs were entered into the ABC Olympia Qualifier - Ruby ran first and had a glorious E, needing to be put back on the dog walk and the A-frame. Pepper also had an E - there was a pull in between 5 and 6, and for some reason I thought it would be a good idea to handle it completely differently to how we train it,so she took advantage and took jump 6 the wrong way. The rest of it was lovely!!
Ruby had a graded Agility, and contacts were once again our nemesis - I E'd us putting her back on the A-frame. But she was clear in the combined G1-4 jumping, and I was delighted to find that she had been placed 6th.