I wasn't sure when I would get time to do it so decided to take an spur of the moment day off work and dedicate it to them. Pepper first and things were going OK but I was really struggling to get her face and legs right. Then it was Ruby's turn and the same problem - although worse as she really doesn't like having her paws touched!
I was feeling a bit useless and fed up so decided to call my lovely friend Suzi who is a groomer to see if she might have time to help me sort out the bits I was struggling with. Thankfully she said she could make time so I headed over to Bark Avenue in Odiham to see her.
Suzi has a great location for her grooming buisness - a fully enclosed field where the dogs can play and a purpose built wooden structure for the grooming room. She soon worked her magic on the girls and we were able to make the most of the gorgeous weather and have a play in the field with her Cockapoo, Humphrey and their other day guests.
I can't thank Suzi enough for coming to my rescue!
Here are some pictures of our play time: