Our classes were all combined - G1-4 Agility, G1-3 Agility and G1-3 Jumping, each with around 50 dogs entered.
I was really pleased with our Agility runs - Pepper stopped on all of her contacts and I held her in position for a couple of seconds before releasing her. The courses were really nice - not too easy but very fair. I'm starting to feel more confident in trusting Pepper and no longer choose the easiest way to handle a tricky section. We tackled several rear crosses today and Pepper did all of them brilliantly - I would definitely have avoided them 3 months ago! We managed to go clear in both runs and were 6th in the C1-4 Agility and 3rd in C1-3 Agility
The Jumping was a different story! The course was not that easy - I had a plan A, B and C but still wasn't sure that any of these would work! We set off and sailed throught the first hard bit using plan A which worked beautifully - into the weaves and for some unknown reason she popped out half way through and barked at me! I have no idea why and my friends who was watching said that I didn't do anything to have caused it! Second attempt and she completed them without a problem, onto the next hard bit which again was no problem, and then on to the end. Even the judge commented that it was a shame as she had done the rest of it so well! So 5 faults, but I'm happy that we negotiated the hard bits without a problem.
The sun shone all day so I used it as an opportunity to try out the canopy to shelter the car. I'm sure that all of the people parked near me had a good laugh while I tried to erect it, but now I've done it once I'm sure that it will get easier, and it definitely provides good shelter.
Definitely a show to enter for next year!